How to Perform an Analog Line Test on a Grandstream GXW4104 or GXW4108




The Grandstream GXW4104 has utilities which can help determine the analog line settings. The device can determine AC Line Impedance, Call Progress Tones, and Caller ID method. Correct line impedance is necessary to minimize echo, aid tone detection and maximize audio quality. Call Progress Tones can be used to determine when a call is incoming or detect hangup. Caller ID is used in GLOBALCOM with Mic Locking to provide proper prompt options during a telephone announcement.


What You Need


  1. The Grandstream device
  2. An Ethernet Switch
  3. A computer with a browser with Javascript enabled. This test has been performed successfully using Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Chrome.
  4. The Grandstream device should have its network configuration complete.
  5. The test requires 2 analog lines. These must be identical to the ones being used in the production system. Ideally, the exact lines should be used to ensure correct line characteristics.


Before You Begin


  • The Grandstream Device Configuration Web Pages were changed starting at firmware version Hereafter, this document will refer to the "Old" or "New" configuration. It's easy to tell which one you have. The older Web Pages are yellow, and the newer one is Blue. 
  • The unit will allow you to click several test options at once. Do not do that. The tests will not produce usable output, or may not work at all. These instructions contain steps that may look unnecessary or redundant (many instructions to update and reboot). We have found that the device needs to be tested in this manner to achieve the correct results. Follow these test instructions exactly.
  • Test and label the 2 analog lines so that you know what the phone number or extension number is for each line. The unit will "call itself" during the test, so these values must be correct.


AC Line Impedance Test (Old Firmware)


  1. Insert an analog phone line into FX0. This test only requires 1 phone line, although the 2nd line may be inserted into FX1 if desired.
  2. Log in to Grandstream.
  3. Go to the FXO Line Test screen.
  4. Check the AC Impedance Test box for one line only. Uncheck all other boxes.
  5. Set Apply test results automatically to Yes.
  6. Set Apply test results to all ports to Yes.
  7. Click Update.
  8. Click Reboot.
  9. Log back in, go to the FXO Line Test screen, and click Start Test.
  10. Allow test to run for ten minutes as instructed on screen.
  11. Log in to unit.
  12. Go to fxo lines screen. observe impedance.


CPT Detection Test (Old Firmware)


  1. Insert two active analog lines into the FX0 and FX1 ports on the rear of the unit.
  2. Log in to unit.
  3. Go to FXO Line test screen.
  4. Check CPT Detection for the first extension ONLY. Uncheck all other tests.
  5. Insert two active analog lines into the FX0 and FX1 ports on the rear of the unit.
  6. Enter the extensions of the lines in the Line #1 and Line #2 Phone Number fields. Ensure that analog lines are plugged in correctly as entered for the two extensions. The test will not work if these values are not correct.
  7. Click update.
  8. Click reboot.
  9. Log back in to unit.
  10. Go to FXO Line Test screen.
  11. Click Start Test.
  12. Wait 10 minutes as shown on screen. The test may appear to be finished before that, but wait 10 minutes anyway.
  13. Log in to unit.
  14. Observe Call Progress Tones values on the Channels screen.


AC Line Impedance Test (New Firmware)


  1. Insert an analog phone line into FX0. This test only requires 1 phone line, although the 2nd line may be inserted into FX1 if desired.
  2. Log in to Grandstream.
  3. In the blue header, select the Line Analysis screen.
  4. Select the Overview tab on the left.
  5. Click the Impedance Auto-detect button.
  6. Check the AC Impedance Test box for line #1 only. Uncheck all other boxes.
  7. Set Apply test results automatically to Yes.
  8. Set Apply test results to all ports to Yes.
  9. Click Update.
  10. Click Reboot.
  11. Log back in, go to same screen, and click Start Test.
  12. Allow test to run for ten minutes as instructed on screen.
  13. Log in to unit.
  14. In the blue header, select the FXO Lines screen. observe impedance.


CPT Detection Test (New Firmware)


  1. Insert two active analog lines into the FX0 and FX1 ports on the rear of the unit.
  2. Log in to unit.
  3. In the blue header, select the Line Analysis screen.
  4. Select the Overview tab on the left.
  5. Click the CPT Auto-detect button.
  6. Check CPT checkbox for the Line #1 ONLY. Uncheck all other tests.
  7. Enter the extensions of the lines in the Line #1 and Line #2 Phone Number fields. Ensure that analog lines are plugged in correctly as entered for the two extensions. The test will not work if these values are not correct.
  8. Click update.
  9. Click reboot.
  10. Log back in to unit.
  11. Go to FXO Line Test screen.
  12. Click start test.
  13. Wait 10 minutes as shown on screen. The test may appear to be finished before that, but wait 10 minutes anyway.
  14. Log in to unit.
  15. In the blue header, select the FXO Lines screen. Observe Call Progress Tones values.